Floral Marquee

The Floral Marquee (newly extended for 2025) will be back bigger and better, with over 70 carefully selected, exemplary exhibitors, hoping to be awarded a converted RHS Medal.

Filled with stunning displays of spring bulbs, tactile foliage and all manner of every day and unusual plants and flowers,the Floral Marquee is a true feast for the eyes. The Marquee has had to be extended by 5m to accommodate all the 2025 exhibitors – keep an eye out for updates in due course.

Shop for Plants

There are opportunities to buy choice plants and rare gems directly from these expert nurseries to fill your garden and home. The nursery owners are also on hand throughout the show to answer questions, provide advice and share with visitors their floral passion.

Potting Shed Theatre

The Floral Marquee is also home to the Plant Societies and the Potting Shed Theatre. The sessions in the Theatre provide the perfect opportunity to ask questions and gain specialist gardening knowledge. Find out more here.

Central Display

The 2025 Floral Marquee centrepiece will be designed by Flowers From The Farm,

Plant Societies

The National Plant Societies who joined us in 2024 were:

  • National Vegetable Society, Midlands Branch
  • British Fuchsia Society
  • Rose Society UK
  • The Cottage Garden Society
  • West & Midlands Iris Group
  • National Dahlia Society
  • National Allotment Society

Master Grower

Each year, the RHS Master Grower exhibits within the Floral Marquee. Find out more about the 2024 Master Grower here.

RHS Advisory Stand

Speak to the experts about all things gardening, from plant health issues, to planting in shady gardens and advice on propagation at the RHS Advisory Stand in the Floral Marquee. Find out more about this and the other locations you can get gardening help and advice across the Festival here.

Prestigious Awards

Along with RHS Gold, Silver-Gilt, Silver, and Bronze Medals, there are two other RHS awards that horticultural exhibitors at RHS Malvern Spring Festival hope to win. These are:

  • The Lyn Downes Award for the Best in the Floral Marquee 2024: Dibleys Nurseries with their Streptocarpus, foliage begonias and other unusual houseplants
  • Best National Plant Societies Exhibit

Click here for the full list of 2024 Floral Marquee Medals and Awards


See which exhibitors joined us in the Floral Marquee in 2024 below:

Floral Marquee ExhibitorsPlants / Display description
Alchemy FernsA display of hardy ferns and tree ferns
Ashcroft’s PerennialsA display of ormnamental grasses and perennials
Bluebell Cottage GardensA display of hardy perennials with spring interest
Brighter BloomsA display of container grown Zantedeschia (Calla)
Brogues Gate NurseryJapanese maples
Brookfield PlantsA display of Hostas
Calamazag Plant NurseryA large display of Dianthus and complementary plants
C & K JonesA display of Roses
Celtic WildflowersLocally sourced native wildflowers, shrubs and trees,
for large and small scale projects and pollinator-friendly gardens.
Chrysanthemums DirectA traditional display of cut flower bloom and spray Chrysanthemums
Craig House CactiA selection of of cacti and other succulent plants
D’Arcy & EverestA display of alpines, succulents and perennials
CDS PlantsPhalanopsis orchids, Dendrobiums and Oncidiums
Derbyshire BonsaiA display of bonsai trees of different species, colour age and form
Dibleys NurseriesA wide range of Streptocarpus and foliage Begonias and other unusual houseplants
Driftwood BonsaiA mixture of native and semi tropical bonsai trees including pines, junipers, maples, metasequoia, azalea and larch
East Of EdenA display of nursery bred Geum varieties
Floyds Climbers & ClemitisA display of spring flowering Clematis and climbers
Gardeners Delight NurseryA selection of seasonal perennials and shrubs for pollinators
Garth CottageAn educational display about the uses of Menthas
G & K CarnationsA display of cut flower Dianthus
Grafton Nursery MASTER GROWERA display of hardy Eucalyptus
Green Jjam NurseriesA spring garden of Penstemon and perennials
Hampshire Carnivorous PlantsA display of hardy carnivorous plants
Hardy’s Cottage Garden PlantsA display of cottage garden herbaceous spring perennials
Hare Spring Cottage PlantsAn educational display of Camassia
Harts NurseryA display of Lilies and summer flowering bulbs
Hedgehog PlantsEpimediums and a select range of other woodland perennials
Hewett-Cooper  Carnivorous PlantsA display of carnivorous plants
Home Farm PlantsAn educational display demonstrating propagation techniques for delphiniums
Hoyland Plant CentreAn educational display of Agapanthus, Amarine and  Nerine
H.W. Hyde & SonsA display of spring flowering bulbs, Alstroemeria and Dahlias
Jurassic PlantsUnusual and exotic edible trees and shrubs
Kitchen Garden Plant CentreHerbs and edible plants
Laurence Hobbs OrchidsA display of exotic orchids in containers
Lincolnshire Pond Plants LtdA wildlife friendly, colour themed pond
Mandy PlantsColourful and fragrent bowls of the latest varieties of Nemesia
New Forest HostasA display of Hostas PLUS a display of ferns and other foliage plants
Norfield Nurseries LtdAcers/Japanese maples
Ottershaw CatciRare and unusual cacti and other succulents
Pheasant Acre PlantsA display of spring flowering bulbs and plants
PlantagogoHeuchera, Heucherella and Tiarella in a garden setting
Potash NurseryA colourful mix of Pelargoniums
Primal PlantsSucculents, palms and drought resistant planting
Primrose Hall PeoniesPeonies
Priorswood ClematisSeasonal flowering Clematis and decorative climbers
RoualeynA display of Fuchsias including hardy, basket and bush varieties
Skerne Alpines NurseryAlpine plants, predominantly sedums and Sempervivum
Staddon Farm NurseriesNational Collection Primula sieboldi and Epimedium
Strete Gate CamelliasShowing a wide range of Camellias and their care
Thorncroft Clematis & ClimbersA selection of clematis and climbers
Tynings ClimbersA selection of hardy and tender climbers
Wack’s Wicked PlantsCarnivorous plants
W&S Lockyer Succulents with spring flowering perennials. Auricula
Westdale NurseriesBougainvillea and rose bud Pelargonium